Thursday, March 6, 2008


It will be 4 weeks since I was struck by a hit & run driver and it is starting to sink in that my body will need a bit more time to heal. On the up-side, the greater tuberosity has remained stationary and therefore, it seems that I will not need surgery. This was not the doctor's first thought because it had been displaced by twice the '"limit in the literature" over which surgery was typically necessary. His reluctance to operate was the result of the second fracture in the upper humorous that would have possibly shattered as a result of screwing the tuberosity back into its rightful place. The down-side is that the shoulder is quite painful, especially in the evening when I am trying to sleep. Coupled with a back that "twinges" and goes occasionally into "spasm", I feel pretty tired most of the time. The doctor feels that the back issues should subside eventually...I hope so...I used to 'knock wood' that I've never had any problem with my back.
The other injuries, namely the deep cuts around my left eye that resulted when my Oakleys shattered upon impact with the ground (anyone else think that glasses marketed for sport should be safer?), are healing as best as possible. I have to apply a scar guard for the next few months and will always have to wear SPF 30+ sun block or stronger. The scar above the eye is partially hidden by the brow and not nearly as gruesome as the one below.
While Dina claims she likes me anyway, I do notice people looking at it when I'm at the shop. A funny aside regarding the eye happened with the plastic surgeon in the ER. Before he operated I asked Dina if she wanted him to do a little 'Brad Pitt thing' and he interrupted with 'hey, I'm good, but not THAT good'...nice.
I've been trying to spend some time on the indoor trainer just to feel like I'm doing 'something', but these sessions are short and somewhat uncomfortable, being that I really cannot stabilize myself to pedal, having only one arm. In addition to this, I perform a brief 'PT' session three times daily which serves to remind me just how banged up I really am.
I am in good hands, though. Dina has gone above and beyond what even a loving spouse can be expected to do and I have complete confidence in my doctor Steven Rokito and my PT and close friend, Don Rourke. The support from so many friends has been the 'silver lining' in all of this. I've reconnected with old friends that fell out of touch and come to appreciate the new ones.
That's about it for now...train hard, rest harder.

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